Our Allotment Community & Social Events

With over 220 plots, more than 330 members and another 50 associate members, our Allotment site is the hub of a vibrant community which has a passion for growing their own.   We aim to extend our love of growing to the wider community by supporting local school and community gardening groups and  getting involved in other relevant projects when we can. 

'Love your Allotment, Love your Food' is a cook book we have published made up of easy to follow recipes using allotment produce. It has proved very popular and you can get your copy from our shop (if you ar local) or order on-line HERE

Once a year we run an Open Morning which allows the local community access to fresh fruit and vegetables, plants and home made jams and jellies, plus other fun activities. Any funds raised are for the society which helps us keep the rents as low as possible, and maintain the site.

We would like to thank Stewarts Garden Centre, Compton Acres, Farmer Palmers and Littledown Centre for their generous support in donating prizes for our raffle.

We also run  social events such as Charity Coffee Mornings  for recognised charities - we have previously supported 'Friends of the Bournemouth Eye Unit' and Macmillan Cancer.

Also we make use of our Big Green Shed for community projects such as the  Art and Nature creative group.

Any other events are purely for our Members, Associate Members, Waiting List and their family and friends. We aim to break even on these but any surplus funds we raise by the end of the year will be donated to our charity of choice for that year.

Our Local Area

As part of the Southbourne community we invite our members to consider the document at the link below regarding a proposal for a town council:

Should Southbourne have a Town Council